Tag: Home Maintenance

Posted on 02/03/2025
Routine maintenance tasks for your home
From your plumbing and HVAC system to home safety devices, there are several items in your home that can break down or malfunction. Doing some maintenance tasks each month can help reduce the risk of needing repairs or having to replace equipment. Plan on performing the following maintenance tasks in your home monthly: Replace HVAC filters Your HVAC...
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Posted on 12/09/2024
Seasons: Maintaining Your Home's Exterior After Summer
As the relaxing days of backyard barbecues turn to thoughts of school and work mentality, your home needs to prepare for the change of seasons. Summer fun, sun and nature have a significant effect on a home’s exterior. Although end-of-summer maintenance items are not necessarily as labor intensive as many spring tasks, these are strategies that can reduce...
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Posted on 05/15/2023
Quick annual tasks to keep your home running
Your home goes through a fair amount of wear and tear throughout the year, which can result in needing to repair or replace certain elements. However, performing annual maintenance tasks can help your home stay in excellent condition year after year. Here are a few tasks to complete throughout your year to keep your home fresh and rejuvenated:...
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Posted on 12/05/2022
Home Maintenance: Tips for Every Season
Maintaining your home should be a priority, but it can be overwhelming to fit in all of those routine maintenance projects along with the rest of your commitments. Fortunately, it's very easy to come up with a maintenance schedule based on the seasons. If you follow this schedule, you will always stay on track with your preventative maintenance,...
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Posted on 09/26/2022
Common hazards in older houses
Older homes might have high-quality, solid structures and seem to be in good condition. However, there are possible hidden hazards lurking in your older house. Knowing what these hazards are can help you make sure your older home provides a safe place for you and your household. These are a few of the more common kinds of hazards...
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Posted on 01/24/2022
DIY: 6 Simple Home Repairs
Knowing how to do some home repairs can help you save money and time. Instead of having to wait for professional repairs to be done, you can tackle these on your own. While it's best to leave major repairs to professionals, consider trying the following simple DIY repairs. Torn Screens When your window screens have tears or rips,...
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